Nature's Wisdom

There is a tree in my neighborhood (woodland heights people know what tree i’m talking about) that has been calling to me since it started to bloom. Over the last few weeks as I drive past it on my way home from picking up Xander from school, it waves hello in all its majestic glory, telling me to come visit, even for just a moment. I’d say this was an odd occurrence (communing with tree’s and all) but those of us who are empathic to plant life know all too well, that they like everything on this planet have something important to say. A message to be received by those quiet enough to listen, and boy did this tree deliver.

Today I finally stopped as I was on my way to the grocery store. I pulled off the road before it really even registered to me what I was doing. I rolled down my window and said “hello,” I would have given it a hug had it not been in someones yard. HA! I can just hear it now, “Whose that crazy lady outside hugging our tree.” Anyway, I said hello (in my minds eye) and I asked this tree what its message was for me. It showed me its magic, and its faerie ways. It told me about being a seeker, a seeker of magic in our day to day living. You see this tree is only this way for a few weeks out of the year and if you aren’t paying attention its beautiful pink flowers are gone and while it is still a stunning creation to be hold without them, when they are there it is pure natural beauty. It told me about how I need to keep being a seeker. Don’t ever stop, because even when things are dark and confusing, all you have to do is look for the light. Look for the magic. It also told me that I was exactly where I needed to be and to trust in the process. Pretty profound message eh?!

You see I am from Richmond, VA. My soul chose to be born here and sometimes I don’t understand this, because I don’t always feel a soul resonance to this land, like I do when I am in the South and North west and central coast. However I and my family (children included) have Karma here in Richmond to continue working on and while I know this is a far fetched idea to process, I know its true for us. Im not talking about negative karma, I’m simply talking about Karma in the sense of healing that needs to take place. So here we are anchored in the light right smack in the middle of Richmond VA. While there is so much to love, I still get confused and feel negativity around being here. So this message from this beautiful tree was so perfect for me and held soul much truth.

Since I have been convening more with my genius, I am way more tapped in to EVERYTHING, which at times can feel a bit exhausting, however it makes everything feel so much more alive and makes the creation process so much more exciting. I am so glad that I have been going through this process and had it not been for VA, Im not sure I’d be doing it. So thank you beautiful tree and thank you mother nature for your ever present beauty, love and wisdom always being a reflection of my own inner light and love.
