The clocks have moved forward (insert choice curse word) and the days are slowly starting to feel longer. All the while hints of color are popping up around the neighborhood as life is beginning to stir again. Spring is coming!
I had my door open yesterday in my home, letting the cool spring air rush in; removing any of the stale energy that sat lurking in the corners. My son and daughter came home smelling of mud and earth; a day well spent outside in the sun. I coulnd’t help but keep smelling them. Xander was very perplexed by my laps of sanity. I love this time of year. There is this moment when you don’t think you can handle another day of winter and then all of sudden it breaks. The earth crosses a threshold and you feel the life coming back into the air. Just when you thought you were going to lose your fucking mind….SNAP…..Its over.
My winter this year has gone out with a bang, leaving me out cold on my ass for three days with the flu. WTF! Horrible, however ever so perfect. The grandparents took over and had the kids for three days, leaving me to rest and get better. Even though I felt like utter shit, it was also ABSOLUTELY glorious (I know you mom’s out their feel me)! I laid in my bed with my essential oil diffusers (yes that is plural) going, drank several cups of lemon and honey, and took several baths; all the while catching up on all the Netflix I had missed out on. I netflixed and chilled for 3 days.
Slowly I started to feel better and it seemed as though as my body started to re-emrge from the dead so to did the earth. As I walked around the neighborhood yesterday I could see the daffodils that had bloomed in people’s yards, as well as the Japanese Maple Trees with there beautiful pink blossoms. The change in seasons is miraculous and is such a wonderful mirror for our own growth and change. Nothing is meant to stay the same, even our genius which we were innately born with grows and changes. That is why it is so important that we pay attention.
It is very easy to miss the changing of the seasons. If you aren’t tuned in, its over before you know it, or its like it never even happened. Just like the changing of the seasons is our planets genius whispering softly across the land, so too is our own genius at work; and man is it so important that we give it the space and time it deserves to play and have resonance in our lives.
I love you Spring!
I love you Virginia!
I love you Genius!