Alone = All-One


It is a worldwide epidemic. No matter what your bank account, your marital status, or friend count on Facebook says. We are more than ever experiencing loneliness. What’s interesting about this is that very few people are actually willing to talk about it, because to feel Lonely is to be vulnerable and weak. People feel shame around loneliness, because it hits our core collective picture of unworthiness and not being wanted by society at large. If we are alone and feeling lonely than we are separate from.

The truth is we are ALL experiencing loneliness. Being someone like myself who is an introvert, I choose to be by myself a lot and I hold a select few individuals close to my heart. But essentially I love people and consider myself to be warm and inviting, but I crave time to myself, yet I still feel loneliness. My point is that whether you are actually alone or surrounded by people all the time, it doesn’t matter, loneliness will creep in. I know a lot of people who are happily single, happily married, no kids, 10 kids, super spiritual, atheist, religious, adventurous so on and so on……and I can guaranty that every single one of them experiences loneliness. Why is this?

What’s interesting is that ALONE can be Broken up as ALL-ONE, its like it’s the one thing that we all have in common, yet it’s the one thing we are constantly running from and ashamed to ever talk about with each other. Maybe if we talked about it more, it would open up the vulnerable sides of ourselves; which ultimately, when we are able to be vulnerable with someone, there is a sense of real connection, a soul to soul recognition that goes beyond our human bodies. Its what we are all craving and yet what so many of us are running from.

So what does loneliness have to do with our creative genius? Well a lot actually. As a society we are so damn scared of loneliness and of being alone, we rarely allow ourselves to just be. We keep doing, doing, doing to feel like we are always “accomplishing” something in order to feel worthy; when in truth a lot of the time we need to just be ‘be-ing’. Less doing and more being and when we allow ourselves to slow down, tune in and simply be; we begin to create space for our genius. I know Guinevere had a lot to say once I started giving her the space to have a voice in my life.

Creating space can be lonely and at times you will most definitely feel all alone, I know this from my own experience; but what it also does is allow for the space to shine your brilliance out into the world and the capacity to see it reflecting back at you. Life truly does start to feel easier and in that ease, everything gets a little brighter.

And ultimately you are not alone.

Love and Light Friends!
